Doing Life Together

Whether new to church or not, life groups could be your next step. God created you to connect with others.  You are connected to God through your God-given gifts.   In Life Groups you discover your God-given gifts, and you learn to share your gifts.  Life Groups are where friendships are formed, where your life is shared, and where your faith comes alive.  Do life together.  

Our Current Ongoing Life Groups

If you need any further information about any of our Life Groups, please contact the church office at 561-624-9663 or

  • Women's Group

    The Women's Group meets every Tuesday morning in-person and virtually on Zoom at 9:00 am in the Church Office.  The group is led by Pastor Jim and includes a book or bible study and lively discussion.  Women of all ages are encouraged to join us.

  • Men's Group

    We are meeting virtually on Zoom and in-person in the Church Office on Wednesdays at 8:00 AM. Please contact the church office for the Zoom link.  The group is led by Pastor Jim and includes a book or bible study and lively discussion. Men of all ages are encouraged to join us.

  • Bridge Group

    Experienced players are invited Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 PM in the Learning Center. Social bridge is played.  To play, contact the church office at 561-624-9663.

  • Cancer Support Group

    Those who are battling cancer, survivors, spouses, friends and family are invited to share concerns and experiences. We will take a journey to discover ways in which the church, God’s promises and others with similar situations can ease our pain and fears.  We meet the 3rd Wednesday each month at 6:00 PM in the Learning Center Room 207.  If you would like more information please contact Cindy Miller 561-743-0588 or

  • Ladies Bible Discussion Group

    We are a life group committed to growing in Faith, prayer and Biblical understanding.  We meet in the Church Office Meeting Room on Fridays at 9:30 AM.  Please contact the Church Office at 561-624-9663 for more information.

  • Meal Life Group

    If you want to be part of a Small Group, there is a wonderful opportunity to meet for a meal.  Join this life group that goes to a restaurant for a meal the first Friday of every month.  Please contact Patti Thompson at 575-9046.

  • Sunday Adult Bible Study

    Join Cheryl Scott on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Learning Center Room 203. We are currently studying and discussing Esther.  All adults are welcome.

  • Couples Group

    We meet on the second Sunday of each month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Learning Center Room 203.  If you'd like the  opportunity to enjoy some fun, fellowship, and snacks while getting to know other couples, this is a great opportunity  All couples are welcome. Contact Marty and Lois Light at 941-468-0610.  Childcare is available!

Find a Group

Six Reasons to Join a Life Group

Relationships: A life group gives you the opportunity to get to know people at a more intimate level. Sunday mornings are an awesome time to worship with the whole family of God, hear a sermon, engage in fellowship, but a life group gives you a chance to build deeper friendships.

Learning the Word of God: Sunday's sermon is a great time to get a broad teaching of the Word of God. However, life groups provide time for one on one discussion. Your group can provide a time to clarify answers to questions that you have about the Bible, Sunday's message, etc.

Place to invite friends: A life group is a natural place to invite friends and family. Sometimes people are more comfortable going to a life group then attending a Sunday morning service.

Place to pray and share your needs: A gathering of a few people is a natural environment for prayer. A big part of prayer is conversation with God and life groups provide the perfect environment for communing with God.

Engage in worship: Gathering in a life group allows you to experience worship at a very intimate level.

Follow the New Testament teachings: Acts 2:42-47 gives us a blueprint of what the early church was passionately committed to. The early Christ Followers gathered in homes, shared meals, read the Word, prayed, and worshiped. When you participate in a life group you are following the New Testament teaching.